Thursday, April 28, 2016

millenials r us

We are a generation that benefited from our parents' hard work and sacrifices and to the technological advancement and globalization that took place in the last years of the 20th century and in today's century. We are a generation who witnessed significant changes in politics and in society as a whole. In the past decade there were wars, political revolutions, economic gains and downs and a change in the social customs and norms. The media calls us "millennials", and our motto is "being yourself in all things."

The millennials, as we are called, constantly depend their lives on modern technology. The internet provides excellent source on knowledge and tips on how to be create new things and express ourselves freely. In Facebook and other social sites we see our friends post their feelings through poems, pictures and articles that they have shared. Most of these posts are funny, but some of them are serious and sometimes outwardly edgy. In these posts millennials have started to establish their own personal views from politics to today's social issues. They have expressed, through words online, their sentiments and their feelings too embarrassing to share in real life.

Against the prevailing social norms of today they have bravely spoken up and challenged everyone to reconsider the people's universal belief on sex and gender issues, authority and the importance of religion and science in the modern era. These millennials have absolutely abhorred violence, even if it is sanctioned by the virtue of justice, and wanted peace and respect of all human lives, regardless of who and what they are. Millennials have rejected most aspects of religion that are 'medieval' or 'outdated' as they have espoused division and discrimination among ourselves.  They made new doctrines, doctrines that promote 'progress', 'empowerment' and 'tolerance' in the world of diversity. Love, only love is what inspires and motivates us millennials to believe and we wanted a 'god' who loves and accepts everyone of their uniqueness, but is our perception of what 'love' is similar as God's? We do not know.

We millennials are also fascinated by recent scientific achievements and personal achievements of some celebrities that inspire us to live the life to its fullest. We honor today's heroes; heroes that stood up against the prevailing rigid system and sometimes sacrificed their lives so that others may enjoy the fruits of their work in the name of 'humanity.' They are now the new martyrs; witnesses to unstoppable human progress.  It is like Auguste Comte's vision of a positivist religion that people are  adoring scientists and builders who have contributed much to the progress of human civilization have been realized.

Millennials freely express of who they are and what they want to do with the full acceptance and tolerance of the modern society. Religion is reduced to being an insignificant and irrelevant reminder of the past barbarism and brutality that the enlightened millennials wanted to bury it. Culture never stops to adapt to the new ways of the world. We millennials, unique as we are, are building a new society and a new order out of the ruins of our dark past. But would this new order last? Would our uniqueness help unite and deepen our knowledge to each of us or create disagreement and would create a deeper division?

We do not know. Let's find out in the long run.


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