Thursday, May 28, 2015

May 29: Blessed Rolando Rivi and the modern seminarian


So far, we have posted on the blog two articles which touched on the life and virtues of Blessed Rolando Rivi: one, which deals about his dedication to Christ, the other on his fidelity to the seminary life, which is found in his love for his cassock.

Now, after these two articles, we (modern seminarians) can ask ourselves: after seeing the life and virtues of the blessed martyr, what can he teach us today and how can we live out the same courage and bravery of Rolando in our present (less-dangerous, perhaps) age.

First, as we have said, Rolando is a model of dedication to Christ. Every seminarian knows that the seminary is a path of self-transformation in order to become an “alter Christus”. If we take seriously the formation we have willingly undertaken, we will find ourselves joyfully announcing to the world: “Io sono di Gesu” “we belong to Jesus”. And this belongingness to Christ must not be limited to words, but it should permeate every action and thought that we have as well. Eventually, this affinity to Jesus will help us generously offer ourselves to the Church whom we will love and serve as future priests.

Second, Rolando is the model of a faithful son of the Church. His fidelity to seminary formation, even to the smallest detail (the faithful wearing of his cassock), is a shining example that must be held before the eyes of every seminarian and priest. He may be young, but his example is a silent yet strong testimony for all of us. Whenever we find ourselves complaining of the seminary routine, or whenever we find seminary life monotonous, boring and useless, let us try to remember again the example of countless seminarians who have found happiness and sanctity in their formation. No matter where the seminary road may take us, let us take it as an opportunity to imbibe intense love for the Church.

Finally, Rolando is a shining example of sacrifice. Seminary formation is truly a life of sacrifice: the not-so-good atmosphere is constantly a challenge for us, especially for those who are accustomed to a good life. And when faced with the opportunity to sacrifice, we must not shrink from it nor embrace it with grudges: let us imitate our Lord and Blessed Rolando, who went to the altar of sacrifice, their Calvary with a smile on their face, with love in their hearts and with an intense love for the Church.
May Blessed Rolando inspire us to become more like Jesus everyday, so as to become good and faithful servants in the vineyard of the Lord!


O God,
merciful Father,
who chose the small 
to confound the powerful of the world,

we thank You for having given us, 
in the seminarian Rolando Rivi,
a testimony of total love
for Your Son, Jesusand the Church,
unto the sacrifice of his life.

Enlightened by this example, 
and through Rolando’s intercession,

we ask You to give us the strength 
to be always living signs of Your love in the world,

and we beg You to grant us the grace of [here state your petitions],
which we ardently desire.

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